Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Female numbers

[The newsletter for Brianna's pre-Kindergarten class said that next week they would be learning about nickels, the letter N, and one-to-one correspondences.]

Laura: "I wonder what 'one-to-one correspondence' means."
Jack: "That's where you match up one set of things with another; one item from this set pairs with one item from that set."
Laura: "That PhD was good for something..."
Jack (getting warmed up): "Did you know that you can make a one-to-one correspondence between the integers and all the fractions?"
Laura (looking for an escape): "I, uh, have to go over there..."
Jack: "What's more interesting is that you cannot make a one-to-one correspondence between the integers and the irrational numbers."
Laura (looking at me suspiciously): "Those would be the female numbers?"

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